Since March 8th 1995, Nzinga Capoeira Angola Group has been dedicated to the preservation of traditional values of Capoeira Angola and Bantu culture through training, rodas, art, research, publications, debates and social activism.
Nzinga is guided by the wisdom of Mestra Janja, Mestra Paulinha and Mestre Poloca who, each in their own way, seek to provide continuity to the teachings and lineage of Capoeira Angola’s greatest advocate, Mestre Pastinha.
Mestre, Mestra - Master
Contramestre, Contramestra - Semi-master
Treinel, Treinela - Trainee
Aluno, Aluna - Student
-Janja / Salvador - Bahia
-paulinha / Salvador - Bahia
-MANÔ / Fortaleza - Ceará
-poloca / Salvador - Bahia
-tião carvalho / São Paulo - SP
-Ana / Buenos Aires - Argentina
-bruna / Salvador - Bahia
-Adrian / Rio de Janeiro - RJ
-Alê / São Paulo - SP
-Carica / São Paulo - SP
-denis / Brasília - DF
-gabriel lima verde / São Paulo - SP
-joão / Brasília - DF
-josé / Cali - Colombia
-kosuke / Quioto - Japão
-zé / Brasília - DF
In 2014 and 2018, Mestra Janja, Mestra Paulinha, and Mestre Poloca were invited to Japan for workshops in Kyoto, Tokyo, Kanazawa, and Takaoka. In 2016, Mestre Poloca came to Japan to give workshops in Tokyo and Kyoto.
Mestra Janja and Mestra Paulinha serve as important figures, not only in Brazil, but worldwide, as female teachers of Capoeira Angola, in a
predominantly male environment.
Group Nzinga advocates for gender equality, seeking equity in its activities.
From left: Mestra Paulinha, Mestra Janja, Mestre Poloca
Mestra Janja
Rosângela Costa Araújo
Capoeira Angola Mestra. As a Doctor of Education, she teaches in the Faculty of Education at the Federal University of Bahia while researching as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of São Paulo. Since 1983, she trained with the capoeira group group GCAP in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, becoming a contramestra.
In addition to working on issues of racism and sexism for many years, she conducts research on African culture, education, and gender. In 2017, she was invited to the Women's Conference 20th Anniversary in Washington, D.C. celebrating the contributions of women to Capoeira Angola (sponsored by the Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola). She attracts attention as a female mestre who has a highly influential voice.
She has visited Japan twice since 2014.
Mestra paulinha
Paula Cristina da Silva Barreto
Capoeira Angola Mestra. With a Doctorate of Sociology from the University of São Paulo, she teaches at the Federal University of Bahia lecturing on racism, social resistance against racism, culture and identity. She is also the author of numerous books.
Since 1983, she trained with group GCAP in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, becoming a contramestra. She has worked for many years to eliminate discrimination based on gender and race in Capoeira Angola.
In 2017, she was invited to the Women's Conference 20th Anniversary in Washington, D.C. celebrating the contributions of women to Capoeira Angola (sponsored by the Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola). She plays an important role as a female Mestra in Capoeira.
She has visited Japan twice since 2014.
Mestre poloca
Paulo Barreto
Capoeira Angola Mestre. Member of staff at the Federal University of Bahia. His daily activities include teaching, and he has a special interest on the education of local children. In 1983, he started training capoeira with GCAP in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, becoming a contra mestre.
He has visited Japan three times in 2014, 2016, and 2018.
Having a talent for communicating with children, and held workshops for kids and adults in Kyoto and Tokyo in 2016.
Mestra paulinha
Paula Cristina da Silva Barreto
Capoeira Angola Mestra. With a Doctorate of Sociology from the University of São Paulo, she teaches at the Federal University of Bahia lecturing on racism, social resistance against racism, culture and identity. She is also the author of numerous books.
Since 1983, she trained with group GCAP in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, becoming a contramestra. She has worked for many years to eliminate discrimination based on gender and race in Capoeira Angola.
In 2017, she was invited to the Women's Conference 20th Anniversary in Washington, D.C. celebrating the contributions of women to Capoeira Angola (sponsored by the Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola). She plays an important role as a female Mestra in Capoeira.
She has visited Japan twice since 2014.
Mestre MANÔ