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During our regular practice at the Kyoto branch of Group Nzinga, we play the main instrument, berimbau and other instruments, practice singing, and practice moving the body along with the music and rhythms.  As we train our mind and body through capoeira, we learn the spirituality and philosophy of capoeira.

Nzinga Kyoto was founded from May 5, 2015 The members include children and adults of all ages and genders.

We are recruiting new members all the time, so please feel free to visit and join us!

Capoeira Angola Group Nzinga Kyoto

contramestre - kosuke

Kosuke Arakawa

Started Capoeira in Kyoto in 2002, and visited Brazil several times to train.

He lived in São Paulo from 2009-2013, and began training at the São Paulo branch of Group Nzinga.  He worked at a photo studio and majored in photography at the University of the Arts (FAAP).

In 2014, he returned to Japan and invited three Group Nzinga teachers to Japan for an event he hosted called Ginga Nzinga inviting three Group Nzinga teachers to Japan, and was awarded the rank of Trainee (Treinel) .On May 5, 2015 Group Kyoto was created official to be a base for training Kyoto.  At present, we actively carry out Capoeira activities throughout the country.


2016 - 2017: Held capoeira classes at Kyoto International School

November 2017: Received rank of Contramestre in Brazil.


While learning and teaching Capoeira Angora, He also focuses on spreading knowledge of capoeira outside our classes. In addition to regular classes, he give workshops overseas and throughout Japan.


He believes it is important to interact with many people, regardless of organization or style.  


Through the vehicle of capoeira, his everyday focus is on teaching, especially to children, about how to create a gender equal world free from discrimination.


Capoeira Angola Group Nzinga Kyoto


Emilie Tsuru Devaux

Group Nzinga Kyoto: Instructor


PhD, University of Kyoto. French language teacher.

Started capoeira in 2005. From 2012 to 2013 she lived in São Paulo from 2012-2013 and started training at the São Paulo branch of Group Nzinga. Upon returning to Kyoto she helped with the establishment of Group Nzinga Kyoto.

She is currently teaching classes for the group while deepening her knowledge of Capoeira Angola.


Capoeira Angola Group Nzinga Kyoto

Treinela - Yumi

Group Nzinga Kyoto: Treinela

Vegan chef and restaurant owner. Sunny Place Kyoto.

Started capoeira in 2014 and joined Nzinga Kyoto in 2015.

She helped with the establishment of Group Nzinga Kyoto.

She is currently teaching classes for the group while deepening her knowledge of Capoeira Angola.


Treinela Tomomi

グループインジンガ京都:指導者/研修員 トレイネイラ

小川 智美


2010年 京都でカポエィラを始める

2019年 インジンガ京都に所属

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